LWE DC4SD : LIVE WITH EARTH DESIGN CONFERENCE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT | PRESS RELEASE We present the "Live With Earth – Design Conference for Sustainable Development" (LWE DC4SD), a unique event happening in Portugal. This conference was born with a format that brings together academia, design students, creative professionals and the general public, with the aim of creating an "engine of sustainable development". Through the sharing of ideas and knowledge, artistic practices and project development, we seek to promote local actions for the global transition, in the materialization of sustainable solutions and social innovation. LWE DC4SD is composed of five main areas: Projects, Presentations, Cultural Production, Performances and Partnerships. The Projects will be launched in a competition at design universities and for the general public, with the aim of selecting, supporting and promoting five projects in specific areas: Natural Pigments & Eco-Arts; Sustainable Development & Circular Economy; Design for Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation; Design of Permanent and Regenerative Cultures and Design of Ecovillages & Green Economy. This competition aims to stimulate creativity and innovation by providing a platform for ideas that make a difference. Three intense days are expected at the "Earthinkers Bootcamp", from 23 to 25 October, where mentors will support the winning projects in the development of their presentations, which will take place on the two subsequent days of the conference, providing a unique opportunity for participants to showcase their ideas and innovations. The Presentations will be conducted by recognized experts, who will share their experiences in the panels: Organizing Committee; Research & Science; Western Bioregion; LWE DC4SD and From Portugal to the World. Cultural Production will bring a diversity of content, such as the creation of articles, videos, photographs, eco-art installations, traditional crafts and the “Earthinkers Journal”. During the conference, the artistic performances will convey messages related to ecology and sustainability through various art forms, such as music, painting, sculpture, visual arts, poetry, dance and multimedia, creating a dynamic and engaging environment. The Partnerships will be represented by exhibition spaces dedicated to sustainability initiatives, strengthening networks of collaboration and visibility. The first edition of LWE DC4SD will take place at PPLSSA – Paisagem Protegida Local das Serras do Socorro e Archeira, on 26 and 27 October 2024. The Live With Earth Association invites thinkers, creators, designers, artists, and all individuals and collectivities concerned with the environment, society and the future of humanity, to participate in this pioneering initiative. Together, we can replicate existing solutions and create new strategies for sustainable development, ensuring the well-being and evolution of future generations. Join us in shaping a harmonious, regenerative and conscious future together for all.
ECO CAMP : Convergence for Eco-Communities Our vibration as humans, it is very connected to our purpose and action in our tribes and environment. ECO CAMP is an event that promotes culture, knowledge, arts, tourism, and recreation through the participation of various projects in sustainability, organic agriculture, local production, green technologies, transition movements, natural medicines, arts, and music. Every moment is focused on individual and collective evolution, aiming for environmental, economic, and social balance, with the perspective of local action for global transition. Attendees can participate in activities such as speeches, workshops, slacklining, games and challenges, markets, alternative therapies, sharing sessions, outdoor cinema, live concerts, food and drink stalls, ECO CAMP Kids, and much more. Our main goal is to expand these themes and create a convergence event for eco-communities, involving producers, projects, artists, and active individuals involved in this collective transition. We aim to foster models for inclusion and sharing, networking, fair trade, volunteerism, and community development research. This event emphasizes convergence networks and low-footprint activities, ultimately striving for local sustainable development.
BUILDING NATURE : Worldcamps for Circular Economy Humans often see themselves as separate from Nature. We aim to challenge and change this mindset by demonstrating that we are an integral part of Nature. As living organisms, our actions directly affect and are affected by the laws of Mother Earth and the Cosmos. Our greatest challenge as humankind is to restore, recreate, and integrate Nature into our surroundings, aligning our human nature with the balance and harmony of the planet's ecosystems. Do you want to be part of this lifestyle, creating value and abundance for all? Join our community of builders, creators, artists, and visionaries to shape a sustainable future for ourselves and our children. Together, we can cultivate abundance, develop local self-sufficient models, empower each other, and foster knowledge and love.
Some events organized by Live With Earth
Some Live With Earth participation in partner's events